Please find attachment.
※依據本系『博士班學能資格考試抵免辦法』,102學年度(含)之後入學者,僅能在入學後三年內修習本系研究所核心課程:『固態熱力學』、『高等材料分析』及『材料動力學』,各科學期成績皆分別達全班前70%以內可據以抵免本系博士 班學能資格考試,否則予以退學。
Ph.D. students must complete “Solid State Thermodynamics”, “Advanced Characterization of Materials”, “Kinetics of Materials” within 3 years after admission otherwise he/she will be suspended. Students whose class ranking of top 70% have no need to take the qualification examination.
After passing 3 courses, please bring the transcript to the department office for qualification certificate (no later than the second semester of the third year in PhD. degree).
Attachment- Standard for passing the core courses