
MSE Bulletin

Course Enrollment Confirmation


Duration: 9:00, March 4 to 17:00, March 7 
Designated Students: All students 

  1. 1. All students are required to review and conduct a final confirmation about their course selection online during this period. No course adjustment may be made at a later date.
  2. 2. Should there be more courses than are required, students shall withdraw from them online. No refund will be made for course withdrawals.
  3. 3. Under special circumstances (course cancelation, instructor change, graduation requirement), students shall submit a written report (free format), which shall be approved by course instructors, department chair, and director of the Division of the Registrar, to process related course enrolments at the Division of the Registrar.
  4. 4. Those who take courses below the required minimum number of credits and who decide not to add courses shall complete and submit a course underload request form, which shall be approved and processed by the Division of the Registrar. 

  1. 1. Please log onto the course enrollment system on the NCIACES website at https://course.ncku.edu.tw/ to confirm your course enrollments. Undergraduate students who are short of credits for Comprehensive General Education courses are required to print out and complete an application form for related course enrollment, which shall be processed by the Division of the Registrar.
  2. 2. Students shall submit a written report (free format) or a course underload request form to apply for course underload.