請於9/5(一)AM9:00~9/7(三)PM12:00填妥「特殊因素選課表」找選課助教選課: From September 5 (Monday) 9:00 A.M. to September 7 (Wednesday) 12:00 P.M. Please finish the form of Course Enrollment under Special Circumstances and find assistant.
Dear prospective graduates, Congratulations in advance for your upcoming graduation. To help the Career Consultant Division, we would be pleased if you could complete the questionnaire below. Thank you for your cooperation and we wish you all the best on your future journey after graduation!This survey is related to the individual information and it will be strictly abided by the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Act. The data we collect Dear prospective graduates, Congratulations in advance for your upcoming graduation. To help the Career Consultant Division, we would be pleased if y
Applicants: Newly-admitted students (including intercollegiate transfer students) or interdepartmental transfer students (including inter-program or inter-category transfer students) Eligibility: Those who have completed any courses on a master’s/doctoral program with a grade of at least 70 prior to matriculation. Deadlines: Applications for course credit waiver by transfer students or newly accepted students shall be completed upon enrollment in the first semester of the first academic year, and be required to complete their applications for course credit waivers within the fi
The online student course feedback questionnaires system will be open from May 16, 2022 to June 13, 2022. Students can log in to the system via the Cheng Kung Portal (https://i.ncku.edu.tw/) or the link on the website of the Center for Teaching and Learning Development (http://tfcfd.acad.ncku.edu.tw/) to fill out the questionnaires.