
MSE Bulletin

2016Qualifying examination for MSE graduate student


  1. Qualifying examination for MSE graduate student

  Giving the qualifying exam orally before 7/31 and submitting the test scores to the department office is required for the graduate MS student who is willing to get the deree this semester. To apply the MS degree on the Internet you can check the webpage below:http://campus4.ncku.edu.tw/wwwmenu/program/mou/ 

  There are two elements to an individual's qualification for degree :
   a. Application document for qualifying examination

  1. List of committee members

*After preparing the documents above, Each lab of candidates need to submit the documents to the department office together.

  1. Deadlines for degree application
  2. Stage1: for students who take oral test in May:   

Deadline is Apr. 18 11:00am

  1. Stage2: for students who take oral test in Jun:

Deadline is May. 23 11:00am

  1. Stag31: for students who take oral test in Jul:

Deadline is Jun. 20 11:00am

*If you miss the deadline, you can only apply for the next stage.

III.   Precautions:

  1. Application document for qualifying examination:

Before submitting the documents to the department office, make sure it go with the signature of the advisor.

  1. List of committee members (three to five person )
  2. Committee Status

 1-1.Titles of the committee members should be professors, associate professors or assistant professors.

                                                          1-2.Members who have already been the committee members before but have no title of qualification should note the latest working semester at the blank.

                                                             1-3.If the committee members does not meet the qualifications above, he/she should get the permission of NCKU MSE academic senate before 3/15.2016.

  1. Committee members data archiving

2-1 Members of NCKU :Check the system and choose it directly.

2-2 Non-NCKU members:
                                                                              Check the system if we have the data of the members, or archive the data yourself. Make sure the data is all correct, otherwise you may have to cover the                                                                                    traffic fee on your own.

  1. Outcome of oral test.

Please send the score to Ms. Chang of department office right after the test.
